Cosmic Collisions

Cosmic Collisions

Water colors and Fine-liner pens on paper, A3





“Cosmic Collisions” is inspired by the numerous experiments on sub-atomic particles, done by CERN, inside the Large Hadron Collider.

With these experiments, the scientists operating the machine aim to know more about the fundamental building blocks of our Universe, in terms of particle physics.

One such experiment conducted in the AD (Antiproton Decelerator) led to the knowledge of the behavioural patterns of anti-protons. Many such experiments are ongoing, as the scientists of today’s world claim to know about the existence of anti-matter, yet affirm that they are unable to study all its properties.

This artwork is a tribute to the good intent of all the hard working humans, who have been working on the LHC for decades, in order to be able to enlighten humanity about the 27% of our physical universe that still remains largely a mystery.

“Cosmic Collisions” is full of intricate details, and I will not share the spoilers here. I would rather encourage you, the viewer, to take a closer look and count a few things inside the “rings”. Certain numbers and percentages of objects inside the painting, might fuel your curiosity to dig deeper into the working principles and motivation that guides CERN to continue with their perusal of anti-matter.

Also, if you wish to, do let me know how you experienced “Cosmic Collisions”, once you have dug deeper. I’d love to hear your views on the artwork, or the inspiration behind it.






Here is a cropped and zoomed part for your viewing pleasure!


Artwork available for purchase.

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11 responses to “Cosmic Collisions”

  1. So much beautiful and vibrant life happening in your art! Interesting writing, too. 🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the kind words!🙏 I was hooked on one particular experiment done at the LHC where certain protons started moving uncharacteristically, hence the indulgence.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome and thank you for the added description!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Inspired by misbehaving protons, Grin. I see chaos and order. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful and interesting! How you got all this from watching antiproton experiments is WILD! Your imagination is out of this world!!! What goes on in that mind is GENIUS!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are too kind, thank you! What goes on in my mind is just a bowl of Pho 😝 Seriousness apart, that experiment itself was wild! It baffled even the scientists who worked there to make it happen. Imagine, thinking that you know it all about something as fundamental as a proton, and suddenly not just one, but 27% of the protons go like “Babe, look what I can do!” and start acting up inside your billion dollar tunnel! Such a comic rebuttal to man’s arrogance. I loved it!


      1. That sounds really cool! I would be in awe like you.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! This is something really different. Science inspiring art and leading to something so very beautiful being created.

    Liked by 2 people

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