My Heart’s Desire (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

Watercolours and Fine-liner pen on 145 GSM paper

Size – A3






What is the colour of desire?

Is it different from that of a ‘wish’?

I hope it is, because my wishes are all in blues most times.

So while I was still figuring out the colour of desire, this mandala kept happening, on its own.

I hate orange, but it’s there. Not too fond of yellows either, but even that’s there.

At one point in time I looked at my mandala, and desire was the last thing I felt. It looked horribly orange!

But as I said, this one just kept happening.

Then came the pinks and reds, and I eventually started feeling better.

Here it is now – “My Heart’s Desire”!

And what is that desire, you may wonder?

Well, amongst many, this is the one that I’d like to fulfil first. You know, ‘top priority’ kinda emotion.

Oh, I have even written it down on this very painting, albeit in a language that I am still learning. Aye, Morse Code!





Here is a cropped and zoomed part for your viewing pleasure!




To purchase a high resolution printable file, let me know here, or at –

7 responses to “My Heart’s Desire (Art With Everything – Mandalas)”

  1. Like you I’m not a fan of orange and yellows either but somehow I found myself with lots of it in my garden. I expected mandalas to have yellows and oranges and REDs too. Those colors are the prettiest in mandalas, just like yours here. This is one of my top favorite ones so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so so happy you like it! I am sure you will like the morse code message too, it’s written in the mandala. I will email the translation to you. After making this one I got pretty amused by oranges and yellows, and I have used a LOT of those in the next ones. Coming up!


      1. That’s what I forgot to tell you, I used to study Morse Code too! I was in a “Ham Radio” class where it’s a alternative to a Science class in 7th grade. I don’t remember any of it now though, unfortunately. It was a fun class and I was the only girl!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It’s so cool you learnt it! I learnt online, and I can’t remember all of it either. I use notes! 🤦‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Well I got your greatest desire using a morse code translator. I hope you have many of them and spend quality time with them, and love and experience a love unlike any other. I liked how you used colours to represent wishes and desires in the poem. I’m sorry your wishes are blue though. This is brilliant work btw.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so cool you decoded the message, yayyy!! Well, I have to admit, it’s an old painting, and at that time my wishes were mostly blue. Now they are kinda pink, lilac and yellows, sir. And they are many, and ever changing, so thank God! Thank you for your kind wishes! It’s so nice of you!!

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