• The Wound Heals

    The Wound Heals

    “The Wound Heals” Acrylics and pen on paper, A3 . . . . Yet another old one came to it’s completion today*. And I have to admit, I enjoyed making this one a lot more than I expected to! “The Wound Heals”, is a doodle that portrays pain and healing; with the former being the…

  • Om Mani Padme Hum (Art With Everything)

    Om Mani Padme Hum (Art With Everything)

    Om Mani Padme Hum Pen on paper, A3 . . . . There was a time when I got so frustrated with life, that I just packed my belongings, booked a bus and headed to the mountains. I had no clue as to what would I do there, where would I live, and my bank…

  • Illusions : Art With Everything – Painting and Poetry

    Illusions : Art With Everything – Painting and Poetry

    Illusions Acrylics, watercolours and pen on paper . . . . . What is life, but mere Illusions? The seeing and being seen, The thinking and being thought of, The act of loving and being loved, Oh, delusions! This journey could be a story, Of the long gone past. But what is the past, When…

  • Bridal Gaia (Art With Everything)

    Bridal Gaia (Art With Everything)

    Bridal Gaia Doodle, A3 Pen on Paper . . . . *This is a story, based on stories. Purely fictional. . . . . Bridal Gaia, as the name suggests, is about Gaia as a bride, in an interpretation of the Holy Union of matter and spirit; a thing that, perhaps, is responsible for you…

  • Cosmic Collisions

    Cosmic Collisions

    Cosmic Collisions Water colors and Fine-liner pens on paper, A3 . . . . “Cosmic Collisions” is inspired by the numerous experiments on sub-atomic particles, done by CERN, inside the Large Hadron Collider. With these experiments, the scientists operating the machine aim to know more about the fundamental building blocks of our Universe, in terms…

  • Dreamboy Tesla (Art and Poetry)

    Tap, tap, tap, It’s all there. Pure energy, And absolutely free! Yeah, go on, throw a shoe Make sure it’s expensive too! Because this energy is not like money, It’s limitless and true! Now go figure, What love can do. Tesla doesn’t build in my dreams, He only reveals. And unveils. Like me, he still…

  • My Heart’s Desire (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

    My Heart’s Desire (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

    Watercolours and Fine-liner pen on 145 GSM paper Size – A3 . . . . . What is the colour of desire? Is it different from that of a ‘wish’? I hope it is, because my wishes are all in blues most times. So while I was still figuring out the colour of desire, this…

  • A Piece of My Mind (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

    A Piece of My Mind (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

    Water colours and fine liner pens on paper, A3 . . . Nature, be it in the guise of a creator or a destroyer, is beautiful anyways and always! There’s as much beauty in a raging storm in the sea, as there is in a calm afternoon in a grassy countryside. The skies look gorgeous…

  • Meditative (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

    Meditative (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

    For some reasons, a few yet unknown to me, I have christened this one “Meditative”. Many a time I have felt at peace, staring into the depths of these ornate circles, while I was making it. The white ink on black paper is also an indication of how art can triumph over all the obstacles…

  • Flowers Galore!

    I have updated my store with more of my old floral artworks. Here are some of the goodies that are available for purchase now! My Watery Flowers Water colours and pen on paper My Watery Flowers II Freehand watercolours on paper Destined Acrylics and pen on paper Make Merry Fine liner pens on paper Flowers…

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