
Art With Everything (AWE) is a small art project, founded and run by artist and writer Ajanta Roy Chaudhury, since 2015.

AWE strives to make a meaningful contribution in the world of art and commerce, by making art available to one and all.

AWE poses as an unified juncture where all participating individuals are in a win-win situation. The artist and her patrons, share a connection based on simple values like compassion, hope and courage. It makes our lives happier and our worlds richer to be there for each other.

If you have read this far, please feel free to browse this site at leisure if you are interested in viewing more artworks and/or reading about our work stories.

Note From The Artist

If you happen to like an artwork, and would like to own it, do let me know at –


Some of my artworks are also available for purchase as a printable, high-resolution digital file, at a price of your choice, here –


I also make commissioned artworks and crafts. If you want to have something made specially for you, feel free to write to me at the email address above, with the details of what you would like to have.

All earnings from all of my art and craft sales are used to run AWE.

I hope you too will join in on our artsy journey of happiness and hope. They say, “It’s always better, together!”


– Ajanta

Work And Happiness

Depending on how much art or craft I manage to sell in a year, I use part of my earnings for various types of giveaways. In the initial years, my sales did not even cover my living costs, so the giveaways on those years were sponsored by my friends and well wishers.

However small or big the work, here’s what we have been doing since we came into being –

2021 – This year I am contributing my earnings to food providers for economic victims of Covid19. You can see updates at the link below. I have had the privilege to sponsor 650 meals so far, for migrant workers and daily wage labourers who lost their jobs due to the lockdown. You can view the link below for more.



2020 – Made 100 birthday cards for children of Udayan, a Delhi based orphanage. You can see all the cards on the link below.



2019 – Made 40 unique bracelets for young boys (as requested by the boys), educated by Udyam, a non-profit based in Delhi, that provides free education to children living in slums. The whole story is on the link below.



2018 – Made 35 unique hairbands for young girls, educated by Udyam. Video of all the fun linked below.



2017 – Hand painted crafts for children, given to Donate To Decorate, an Indian NGO in Mumbai.



2016 – 33 handmade birthday cards for children of Udayan, an orphanage in New Delhi, India.

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