Meditative (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

For some reasons, a few yet unknown to me, I have christened this one “Meditative”.

Many a time I have felt at peace, staring into the depths of these ornate circles, while I was making it.

The white ink on black paper is also an indication of how art can triumph over all the obstacles in life, even when it’s our darkest hour. I made this during one of the worst times in my life; and I can safely say that the task of bringing this to fruition is what contributed the most in encouraging me to wake up and face the day, back in those tumultuous months.

Art is food for the soul. It teaches us something that no school or college does – to look beyond what is visible, to think beyond facts and figures and to grow beyond what you expected yourself to.

Art is meditative, if only we let our minds accept that for real in the moment of misery.

The Meditative Mandala presents itself as a platform that can be used by the viewer for the purpose of reflection, of their inner wishes and desires.

One can project their anxieties and worries outwards, and watch how the outer circles of this mandala absorbs them. Once you are in sync with the frequency this mandala emits, you can go deeper into the inner circles while visualising all the beauty that you would want to fill your life with.

Depending on how much time you have invested in getting to know this artwork for what it is, you will be able to reap the intangible benefits that it is meant to provide you.

I hope even a glimpse offers you some peace and time for reflection.

Here’s presenting the second artwork from my Mandala collection.


Ink on Paper, A3

Drawn with a Rotring Isograph 0.01mm pen (white ink) on 100 GSM black art paper





Here is a cropped and zoomed part for your viewing pleasure!





This artwork was exhibited in Hope Gallery, Mcleodganj, Himachal Pradesh in 2017.




This post was originally published on this site on 12th September, 2018 and has been reposted today, 15th May, 2024.

10 responses to “Meditative (Art With Everything – Mandalas)”

  1. Very intricate designs! Is this the one that took you months?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just a little over one month. The second outermost ring took a third of the time, as the Rotring pen is extremely delicate. One wrong move, and bye bye pen. I made more that took me much longer, I will share them soon.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, never knew a Rotring pen. I had to look it up. Yes, share soon!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I will. I am using the “duplicate post” feature to share them, since the reblog option does not appear on my reader for posts that are older than 3 years. I will be sharing one by one, there are several, and will be sharing close up images too which I forgot on this one and the previous one. Oooohhh, that Rotring Isograph 0.01mm! It was the best thing in my life, until I managed to break the ball tip. Too expensive, I could never buy again. The first one was a gift from my childhood friend. Good that I don’t have one now; I forget to eat, drink, sleep, brush my teeth and everything else when a Rotring happens 😝


      3. Oh, I get it when you love something so much! I am like that with beading too.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Yes, you would understand! It’s like an itch that needs to be scratched until it itches again! If not given the time, the planet will stop rotating, oceans will dry up, asteroids will fall from coconut trees 🤭

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Gorgeous art! I enjoyed your reflective writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Michele! I am glad you enjoyed the post!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very much! 🙏🏻

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