Solstice Blessings

This solstice was not very different from the previous one, and was hence abundant in love, laughter and community engagement!

Gratitude for “all” pervaded the atmosphere of my heart and home, and like every year, this solstice brought forth innumerous blessings.

I planted a taro bulb on that day, and the little Colocassia esculenta sapling is already out!

Even though we are dealing with record-breaking temperatures here in New Delhi, mother Gaia is still being excessively kind in my little corner, and has been doing a commendable job in protecting and nurturing my baby saplings. I cannot deny Her love, as it’s happening right in front of my eyes!

We all are here because of Her, and I am blessed to be one of Her children.

As a solstice resolution, I usually give gifts to kids on 22nd of June (my birthday), but this time we celebrated my birthday a day earlier, on International Yoga Day.

Here are some of our best moments in pictures!

We did some serious asanas, and then got back to doing what we do best – having fun! The kids loved their gifts this year, as they got what they had demanded last year.

Each little boy got a unique handmade bracelet, and they all were so happy with all the customised designs that they also decided then and there about what they want from me next year! Bandanas for the boys and earrings for the girls.

One little girl even suggested “gold earrings” for everyone, and even though I did not have the heart to tell her about my poor financial abilities, I felt immensely happy that she asked! It matters a lot to me that in her thoughts, I am way more capable to fulfill her desires, than what I actually am in reality. I took it as a challenge, and as of this moment, I am not too sure if I will fail miserably at it; but I’d like to ‘give it a try for sure’ is what my heart knows.

I also had the opportunity to meet the founder of Udyam, and that was the highlight of the day. The strong and brave woman, Neeru ma’am (as she’s fondly known) has been running Udyam for the last twenty years; and she told me that in these many years, not even once, not even for a single stray moment, did she consider quitting.

She said, “Yes, there have been many obstacles on the way, and I have been frustrated more times than I can bother to keep a count of, but quitting NEVER came to my mind! NEVER!”

The commitment and conviction in her eyes glowed like a thousand brilliant suns, lighting up many universes at the same time, while I stood there like a dumbstruck beholder of her innate beauty and wisdom. I was so moved on the inside, that my body could hardly move on the outside. I consider that moment to be my best birthday present this year.

Oh, and since I stayed home all day on the 22nd, I decided to make myself a present too! Yeah, “narcissist tendencies” they call it, but whatever!

So out of all the trash papers and bottle caps that I collect from my friends’ houses periodically, I chose some paper, cut them up, glued them up, and now I have a handmade lamp that makes my room look like this!

To sum it up, I had a terrific solstice this year, and I wish the same for everyone, everywhere!

If you have read this far, I’d like to thank you for being a part of my little journey, and may you stay blessed!

See you all soon, with some new artworks, crafts and tales of joys and sorrows.

Take care, ciao!

P.S – If you are curious to know about Udyam, here’s a link –

Twitter handle – @MyUdyam

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