My Heart’s Desire (Art With Everything – Mandalas)

Watercolours and Fine-liner pen on 145 GSM paper

Size – A3






What is the colour of desire? Is it different from that of a ‘wish’?

I hope it is, because my wishes are all in blues most times.

So while I was still figuring out the colour of desire, this mandala kept happening, on its own.

I hate orange, but it’s there. Not too fond of yellows either, but even that’s there.

At one point in time I looked at my mandala, and desire was the last thing I felt. It looked horribly orange!

But as I said, this one just kept happening.

Then came the pinks and reds, and I eventually started feeling better.

Here it is now – “My Heart’s Desire”!

And what is that desire, you may wonder?

Well, amongst many, this is the one that I’d like to fulfil first. You know, ‘top priority’ kinda emotion.

Oh, I have even written it down on this very painting, albeit in a language that I am still learning. Aye, Morse Code!







To purchase a custom artprint of “My Heart’s Desire”, or bid on the original artwork, please contact the artist at –

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